
 Awards Program - Midwestern Chapter

 The Midwestern Chapter of ISA annually recognizes individuals, groups, or organizations that have performed meritorious service in advancing the principles and practices of arboriculture and contributed significantly and unselfishly towards the progress of the Chapter.  Award winners are recognized each year at the MW ISA annual conference.  Awards are presented in six categories including:

  • AWARD OF MERIT: Recognizes outstanding meritorious service in advancing the principles, ideals, and practices of arboriculture. Granted only to members of the MW Chapter of ISA.

  • AUTHOR’S AWARD OF EXCELLENCE: Recognizes authors of outstanding publications, news stories, radio and television programs for sustained excellence in the dissemination of timely information pertaining to the field of arboriculture. The information provided must have impact on the Midwest chapter audience.

  • PRESIDENT’S AWARD:  Recognizes an individual, group, company or agency that has provided a significant impact in the field of arboriculture during the previous two years.  This award would be presented at the discretion of the current MW Chapter ISA President.

  • AWARD OF ACHIEVEMENT:  Granted to members of the Midwest Chapter ISA only, this award recognizes sustained outstanding effort or contribution to the advancement of ISA within the Chapter. 

  • HONORARY MEMBERSHIP:  Recognizes individuals or groups who are not members of the Midwest Chapter who have provided outstanding or noteworthy service in promoting arboriculture within the Chapter.  Recipients will have made material contributions to the advancement of arboriculture through research, field practice, promotion, invention or literature.  They should have an ongoing interest and may include individuals, groups or organizations. 

  • HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP:  Bestowed upon members of the Midwest Chapter that have contributed materially and substantially to the progress of arboriculture in the Midwest Chapter and have given unselfishly in their efforts to support and advance arboriculture. 

In addition the Chapter presented the Arbor Day Gold Leaf Award.  The Gold Leaf Award is designed to recognize an individual, organization, or community in the Midwestern Chapter area for outstanding Arbor Day programs or community landscape beautification projects. This is an opportunity for the Midwestern Chapter to recognize projects that have had an impact on a community or region with an international award. Projects should show an impact over several years. 

If you know an individual or group that has performed meritorious service in advancing the principles and practices of arboriculture, produced an outstanding publication or media program, contributed significantly and unselfishly towards the progress of the Chapter, held a unique or noteworthy Arbor Day activity, or completed a significant community landscape project, this is a great opportunity to recognize your peers, associates, citizens or other individuals.  All entries must be received no later than October 31, 2025.

For more information on the MW Chapter Awards, please contact Brian Houser, Chapter Awards Liaison.  or (402) 444-5907



Award of Achievement
Bailey Patterson

The Award of Achievement is awarded to members of the Midwest chapter of ISA in recognition of outstanding efforts and contribution to the advancement of ISA. The 2024 recipient of the Award for Achievement is, Bailey Patterson.

Bailey Patterson has been the City Forester of Overland Park since 2016. Her credentials include ISA Certified Arborist and ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. Her enthusiasm, knowledge, and passion for community forestry is top-tier and contagious. Up and coming municipal foresters should go meet Bailey and try to recreate all the great work she is accomplishing, not only in Overland Park, but across the State of Kansas into smaller communities.

She works alongside a very active tree board providing outstanding and noteworthy service in arboriculture across Overland Park. In 2023 alone, Bailey and her program planted 1,271 trees, pruned 5,910 trees, and removed 1,849 trees spending over $1.5 million in the process. She was essential in increasing the forestry budget in Overland Park from around $200,000 to $2 million. Under her leadership, her program hosts arboriculture-focused tree care workshops and talks to spread knowledge to anyone who attends including Industry Appreciation Events, presentations at Heartland Forestry Council Workshop, and even mentoring a graduate student from Oregon State University. Bailey has a proven track record of sustained outstanding effort or contribution to the advancement of ISA.

Thank you Bailey for your passion and dedication to advancing the field of arboriculture and the Midwest Chapter of ISA. Congratulations!


Presidents Award
Chris Rippey

Award of Merit
Meggan Hargrave

The Award of Merit is presented to individuals who has displayed outstanding efforts in advancing the principles, ideals and practices of arboriculture. This award is granted to members of the Midwest Chapter only. The 2024 recipient of the Midwest Chapter Award of Merit is, Meggan Hargrave.

With dedication, perseverance, and grace, Meggan Hargrave has not only led Metropolitan Forestry Service to excellence but has also elevated standards across the St. Louis region. As President, Owner, and an ISA Certified Arborist, Meggan has maintained Metropolitan Forestry Service’s legacy, started by her father in 1976, as a premier tree care provider, known for exceptional knowledge, service, and a deep-rooted passion for tree preservation. Next year marks their 50th year in business providing quality tree care to St.Louis communities.

Meggan Hargrave is a role model arborist and advocate for women in tree care with a love and passion to serve people and provide nothing short of excellent tree care. This dedication to elevating standards has led her to serve on the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee for the Z133 safety standard. She is a leader of excellence and dedicated to educating proper tree care, plant health care, best practices and tree preservation.

Beyond her own company’s success, Meggan has dedicated years to growing the St. Louis Arborist Association, transforming it into a trusted hub where professionals and consumers alike find value. Her “sustained outstanding effort” includes designing a new website for the Association, organizing regular meetings, fostering social connections, and introducing community service initiatives. These efforts allow industry experts to share knowledge, support each other, and maintain high standards. Her leadership also shines through her support of local initiatives, including Saluting Branches, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri’s Tree Equity projects, and various nonprofit organizations. In addition, Meggan proudly serves on the Board of Society of Commercial Arborists (SCA).

Meggan’s work through the St. Louis Arborist Association exemplifies ISA’s mission. She has not only strengthened the community of local arborists but also increased awareness of the ISA distinction among consumers. By showcasing the professionalism tied to the ISA credential, she effectively promotes ISA’s reputation and significance within the St. Louis region. She herself holds Board Certified Master Arborist status, Certified Tree Care Specialist (CTSP) and Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ).

Thank you, Meggan, for your dedication to the Midwest Chapter of ISA and the perpetuation of solid arboriculture practices in your community. Congratulations!


Author’s Award of Excellence
Sharon Kay

The Author’s Award of Excellence recognizes authors of outstanding publications, news stories, radio or television programs for sustained of information pertaining to the field of arboriculture. The 2024 recipient of the Midwest chapter Author’s Award of Excellence is Sharon Kay.

Sharon Kay is a field mycologist in Lawrence, Kansas. She has over forty years of experience foraging and researching and served as a former president of the Kaw Valley Mycological Society. She was the primary author of A New Guide to Kansas Mushrooms.

Arborists are fascinated by mushrooms. This guide has been useful for Kansas arborists in identifying species in the field. Sharon has talked with Kansas Forest Service for their book club, providing quality information to arborists, foresters, staff, and interested community members. The passion for research and putting these ideas in publication ensures that arborists and community alike can share the new ideas and practices of interacting with the hundreds of species of mushrooms, microfungi and slimemolds. Sharon is a passionate advocate for making this information available to help us all learn and grow.

Thank you, Sharon, for your dedication to the Midwest Chapter of ISA and this publication that keep us informed of the new ideas and current understandings of mushrooms in our community. Congratulations!

Honorary Membership
Shawna Yager

The Honorary membership Award recognizes individuals or groups who are not members of the Midwest Chapter of ISA, yet have provided outstanding or noteworthy service in promoting arboriculture within the chapter. The recipient of the 2024 Honorary Membership Award is, Shawna Yager, City of Sedalia, MO

The 22,000 citizens of Sedalia are blessed to have an arborist advocate in their community. Shawna serves as the Landscape Supervisor and Arborist for the Sedalia Parks and Recreation, City of Sedalia, MO. Shawna has developed an excellent tree planting program for the City of Sedalia. She has also managed to get every large ash tree in the Sedalia Parks system treated for EAB. Shawna utilizes her very small budget very effectively. Because of her, the City of Sedalia has a valued tree replacement program. Shawna’s work ethic and passion for the environment is keeping Sedalia’s urban forest alive and it is appreciated.

Because of Shawna’s dedication to our urban canopy and community of Sedalia, we are happy to award this very deserving arborist. Thank you, Shawna, for your career of passionate dedication to trees and the neighborhoods that enjoy them. Congratulations!


Gold Leaf Award
Arbor Day - Troy Powell

The Gold Leaf Award is designed to recognize an individual, organization, or community in the Midwestern Chapter area for outstanding Arbor Day projects. This is an opportunity for the Midwestern Chapter to recognize projects that have had an impact on a community or region with an international award. Projects should show an impact over several years. The individual being recognized with the 2024 Gold Leaf Award is, Troy Powell of Springfield, MO.

When one thinks of programs that benefit trees in the state of Missouri, the Arbor Day poster contest should be at the top of the list. Troy Powell has led the Arbor Day Poster Contest in Springfield, MO for over 11 years and beginning in 2022, he led the efforts for the entire state of Missouri.

It is well known that if we want to create a love for trees you must instill those values at a young age. The Arbor Day poster contest, a creation of the National Arbor Day Foundation, is a project targeting 5th graders. This program worked so well in the city of Springfield, that he presented this program to participating partners in the state. With Troy’s energy and enthusiasm, more cities and schools are participating than ever before. Last year over 1200 posters were submitted in the state of Missouri.

Each October, Troy and other staff or volunteers visit area schools to present the poster contest to 5th grade students and teachers. Students have a few guidelines to create a poster with that year’s theme. Last year's theme was "Trees Work for Clean Water." Teachers collect the posters and submit them for voting. In the city of Springfield, all posters are hung at a designated location and area tree-related groups, like MCFC and Tree City USA, are invited to vote on their favorites.

Votes are tallied and there is a winner from each school. Those winning posters are submitted to the state committee who vote on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, plus popular vote. In 2024, for the first time ever, Springfield had the 1st, 2nd and 3rd state winners and the state popular vote!

Each year during the month of April, Arbor month, Troy Powell leads a group of tree lovers consisting of representatives from the Missouri Department of Conservation, Tree City USA, City Utilities, the City of Springfield, and devoted volunteers to gather at each participating elementary school. Fifth graders join us outside where a tree is planted on the school campus and there is a short presentation on the history of Arbor Day, correct mulching and tree watering, and planting guidelines such as “right tree, right place.” The tree is named after the poster winner for that school and their teacher, such as the Smith/Jones American Hornbeam and is recorded in the Big Book of Trees. Some Springfield Schools have a forest of trees from participating for many years!

The school winner is honored with prizes for their winning poster. This wonderful program is increasing awareness and a love of trees for youngsters in our city and our state. This is a gift to our future and Troy is leading the way!

Honorary Lifetime Membership
Kim Bomberger

The Honorary Life Membership is bestowed upon members of the Midwest Chapter of ISA that have contributed materially and substantially to the progress of arboriculture in the chapter and have given unselfishly in their efforts to support the advance of arboriculture. This is no easy task, it takes years of dedication and commitment, a humble approach to serving a community of arboriculture. The 2024 recipient of the Honorary Life Membership Award is, Kim Bomberger.

Kim Bomberger provided outstanding, noteworthy service in promoting arboriculture within the MW Chapter, specifically across the northeast region of Kansas for over 20 years. Kim even served a term as a board member of our Midwest Chapter of ISA. She retired on December 22, 2023. Kim’s career is a testimony to how one dedicated individual can impact those around them. Recovery after natural disasters, building strong and lasting partnerships, and educating our youth on the values of community trees are just some of the impacts Kim has had. Multiple times when a natural disaster has occurred, Kim was quick to balance her already busy schedule to reach out to the impacted communities and help them find ways to first deal with the damage to their existing trees, and then make sure trees were a part of the community as it recovered.

Over her career, Kim has been instrumental in the establishment of groups of citizen volunteers and professionals working together to make their communities better. Tree boards for communities ranging in size from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands are just one example of this type of partnership building. Organizations that reach beyond the boundaries of just a single community like the Heartland Tree Alliance are another. In all cases, Kim has been involved in organizing and supporting these groups from the first steps and all along the way.

Kim’s primary duties may have been geographically centered around the North central and Northeastern counties of Kansas. However, her impact has reached far beyond those borders, primarily in the field of youth education. As the liaison for KFS to the Kansas Association of Conservation & Environmental Education and the coordinator of the Kansas Arbor Day Poster Contest, Kim has helped spread tree and natural resources education to our youth across the State of Kansas.

For her lifetime of dedication to her community, arboriculture and the Midwest Chapter of ISA, we are happy to present Kim Bomberger with this Honorary Lifetime Membership Award. Congratulations!


Previous Award Recipients