TREE Fund Liaison – Update

Your Midwestern Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture continues to be a major player in funding and supporting the TREE Fund (Tree Research and Education Endowment).  Established via a merger of the Research Trust of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the National Arborist Foundation of the National Arborist Association (now the Tree Care Industry Association – TCIA), the TREE Fund identifies and funds programs that support the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge in arboriculture and urban forestry.  In addition, the TREE Fund promotes the study of arboriculture through college scholarships and support of educational programs for children ages 5 – 18. To find out more ways to give, click here

TREE Fund and the Tour des Trees:

The Tour des Trees is the flagship fundraiser for the TREE Fund. Bicycle riders from around the world participate, each committed to raising a minimum of $3,500 for TREE Fund. TREE Fund solicits sponsors to cover all the costs of the event so 100% of the funds raised by the riders goes to support research and scholarship. This event not only raises money, but it raises public awareness of the need for professional tree care. Along the route there are educational events for kids, public tree planting ceremonies, tree dedications, media interviews and TV, radio, magazine, social media and newspaper coverage that reach millions of people nationally and around the world.

The benefits of this event to MWISA are huge. Nearly everything we do to care for trees is driven by research and education, much of it funded in part by TREE Fund through its grant programs and student scholarships. The MWISA Board of Directors would like to see 100% participation to support our profession.

  • To learn more about the Tour des Trees, click here

  • And to learn more about how TREE Fund supports you and your work, click here
